Oh, hey!

My name is Erin, and I’m here to say marketing doesn’t need to be so hard.

Here’s the thing I’ve learned from my many years as a marketing professional: marketing yourself can suck.

Consistent marketing is so crucial when it comes to reaching your ideal audience. You want to make sure they can find you so you have a chance to wow them with your amazing work. But you also know that marketing takes time and effort, and you’re not sure what to do anyway.

It’s hard to know what you should be saying, and it’s easy to feel like you’re not making progress. Plus, there’s so much marketing info out there. How do you know what’s right for you? How do you know what you should be doing?

If you’re sick of throwing stuff at the wall to see if anything sticks, I’ve got your back. Let’s get your marketing into shape.

Marketing Strategy & Content Calendar: $750

Whether you’re an author, musician, filmmaker, or other creative, I can get you a coherent marketing strategy and content calendar. Your marketing strategy gives you focus and means you actually move toward your goals. If you don’t have a strategy in place, your marketing won’t get you the results you’re looking for.

A content calendar serves two purposes: it tells you what to say and when. If you’re always staring at Instagram with no idea what you should be posting about, a content calendar gives you peace of mind. If you know you should be blogging but you’re not sure what blog topics will help you, a content calendar has you covered.

What you’ll get:

  • Basic marketing strategy: Understand your audience, what platforms you should be on, and how you could be selling yourself – what makes you and your work unique and interesting? I’ll even dig into your competitors or fellow creators to see what you could be doing to stand out.
  • Content pillars: Learn what’s going to help people connect with you and your work – what are the repeating categories you could be posting about online? (This makes it way easier to come up with future content ideas!)
  • Content calendar: 3 months of content topics – includes prompts for 2 blogs and 8 IG captions per month (4 captions per blog)

Blog Bundles (minimum of 2 blogs)

Blogs are still an essential part of your marketing strategy. They’re good for SEO, they give you fresh content to share online, and they make the job of coming up with social media content super easy. After all, if you’ve got a whole blog post to break down, you’ll have topics for days!

Educational: $250/blog

What you’ll get:

  • A questionnaire to get to know you and your business
  • An 800-1000 word write up
  • Full SEO – research, keyword, alt text, meta descriptions (AKA Yoast Green)
  • Image culling and compressing (images not provided)
  • Put into your backend for you (WordPress & Squarespace)

Add-on: 3 IG captions put into Airtable for easy copy and paste – $50/blog

What to Expect

01. Reach out

Send me a message! I’ll send you some more details so you can go through everything and see what might work for you.

02. Discovery Call

If you’d like, we can meet for a 15-minute video call, during which we’ll go through any questions you have and decide what, if any, services are best for you.

03. Prep Work

If you decide to book, I’ll send you your contract and initial invoice.

Once you’ve signed your contract and paid your deposit, you’ll be booked in my calendar.

04. Get Started

First, we do all the work we need to get started. Work will depend on the service you booked but typically includes a questionnaire.

Final delivery depends on what’s booked.

Ready to work together?

Let’s Get Started!